#!/bin/bash # rburkholder@quovadis.bm # raymond@burkholder.net # http://blog.raymond.burkholder.net # requires use of (with some modifications, will post): # https://github.com/enigma-io/pd-trigger # user defined settings txtEmail="name@example.com" txtSubject="Path Loss Report" txtSeparator="==============================\n" nTrigger=4 nAttempts=5 txtPdServiceKey="000000000000000" declare -A nodes nodes=( \ []="google1 member" \ []="google2" \ ) # local variables status="|" cntNotify=0 tmpLog=$(mktemp) tmpPing=$(mktemp) cntNodes=0 cntNodesDown=0 cntMembers=0 cntMembersDown=0 declare -a items # preload output date > ${tmpLog} # loop through nodes and test for node in ${!nodes[*]}; do ((cntNodes++)) # split out node details # 0: alias/name # 1: optional 'member' for determining edge outage info=${nodes[${node}]} items[1]="none" ix=0 for arg in ${info}; do items[ix]=${arg} ((ix++)) done name="${items[0]}" echo -e ${txtSeparator} >> ${tmpLog}; echo "checking node ${name}:" >> ${tmpLog}; echo "" >> ${tmpLog} ping -W 1 -c ${nAttempts} ${node} > ${tmpPing} cat ${tmpPing} >> ${tmpLog} value=$(grep transmitted ${tmpPing} | cut -d ' ' -f 4) if [[ nTrigger -ge value ]]; then flagNxt="dn" ((cntNodesDown++)) else flagNxt="up" fi if test "member" == "${items[1]}"; then ((cntMembers++)) if test "dn" = "${flagNxt}"; then ((cntMembersDown++)); fi fi flagPrv="na" if [[ -f /tmp/pl.dn.${node} ]]; then flagPrv="dn" if test "up" = "${flagNxt}"; then rm /tmp/pl.dn.${node} fi fi if [[ -f /tmp/pl.up.${node} ]]; then flagPrv="up" if test "dn" = "${flagNxt}"; then rm /tmp/pl.up.${node} fi fi if test "${flagPrv}" != "${flagNxt}"; then touch /tmp/pl.${flagNxt}.${node} ((cntNotify++)); mtr -w -b --report ${node} >> ${tmpLog}; status="${status} ${name} ${flagPrv}>${flagNxt} |" echo "" >> ${tmpLog} echo "Above State Change: ${flagPrv}>${flagNxt}" >> ${tmpLog} fi done # footer echo -e ${txtSeparator} >> ${tmpLog} date >> ${tmpLog} # notify on failure if [[ cntNodes -eq cntNodesDown ]]; then logger "path-loss - all nodes unreachable" else # if something to notify if [[ cntNotify -gt 0 ]]; then # need a pagerduty alert if all important members are down if [[ cntMembers -eq cntMembersDown ]]; then response=$(cat ${tmpLog} | ./pd-trigger.sh -L -s "${txtPdServiceKey}" -d "${status}") fi # attempt an email cat ${tmpLog} | mail -s "${txtSubject}:${status}" ${txtEmail}; fi fi # clean up rm ${tmpLog} rm ${tmpPing}