NOTE: Example assumes you have a "/dns-slave01" with your container specific data! Change as needed with the SRC data that you are mounting into the container. ## Needed Data (storage) Directory isite: This container assumes you have a "/dns" folder with your container specific data: You can change that folder as needed, but make sure you update the "-v" mounts for run time 1.) *REQUIRED* In your /dns/etc/bind a file "named.conf", which acts as an entry point to your configs 2.) A "/dns/var/cache/bind" directory for all of the master or slave zones. If it's for slave zones, it will populate automatically and you can leave it blank. 3.) *OPTIONAL* "/dns/var/log/named" directory for logging your DNS requests/returns/other breakdown. **Using Container:** ``` docker run --name=dns-slave01 -d --dns= --dns= \ -p 53:53/udp -p 53:53 \ -v /dns-slave01/etc/bind:/etc/bind \ -v /dns-slave01/var/cache/bind:/var/cache/bind \ -v /dns-slave01/var/log/named:/var/log/named \ ventz/bind ```