// Copy this file to /etc/bind/named.conf.options if you want to run bind as an // authoritative nameserver. If you want to run a recursive DNS resolver // instead, see Ventz's "example-configs/recursive-resolver/named.conf.options" // // BIND supports using the same daemon as both authoritative nameserver and // recursive resolver; it supports this because it is the oldest and original // nameserver and so was designed before it was realized that combining these // functions is inadvisable. // // In actual fact, combining these functions is a very bad idea. It is thus // recommended that you run a given instance of BIND as either an authoritative // nameserver or recursive resolver, not both. The example configuration herein // provides a secure starting point for running an authoritative nameserver. options { directory "/var/bind"; // Configure the IPs to listen on here. listen-on {; }; listen-on-v6 { none; }; // If you want to allow only specific hosts to use the DNS server: //allow-query { //; //}; // Specify a list of IPs/masks to allow zone transfers to here. // // You can override this on a per-zone basis by specifying this inside a zone // block. // // Warning: Removing this block will cause BIND to revert to its default // behaviour of allowing zone transfers to any host (!). allow-transfer { none; }; // If you have problems and are behind a firewall: //query-source address * port 53; pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid"; // Changing this is NOT RECOMMENDED; see the notes above and in // named.conf.recursive. allow-recursion { none; }; recursion no; }; // Example of how to configure a zone for which this server is the master: //zone "example.com" IN { // type master; // file "/etc/bind/master/example.com"; //}; // You can include files: //include "/etc/bind/example.conf";