#!/bin/bash # ======================================================================================== # Execute preflight configuration needed to deploy ceph distributed storage # # Written by : Denis Lambolez # Release : 1.1 # Creation date : 04 December 2017 # Description : Bash script # This script has been designed and written on Ubuntu 16.04 plateform. # It must be executed in privileged mode # Usage : ./ceph-preflight.sh # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ======================================================================================== # # HISTORY : # Release | Date | Authors | Description # --------------+---------------+--------------- +------------------------------------------ # 1.1 | 12.04.17 | Denis Lambolez | Sourcing parameters from cephtest-utils # 1.0 | 12.02.17 | Denis Lambolez | Creation # | | | # | | | # ========================================================================================= #set -xev # Version VERSION=ceph-preflight-1.0-120217 # This script is executed in guest context source "/vagrant/scripts/cephtest-utils.sh" # Directories (depending of the context) GUEST_USER_DIR="/home/$CEPH_ADMIN_USER" GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR="$GUEST_USER_DIR/.ssh" GUEST_VAGRANT_SCRIPT_DIR="/vagrant/scripts" GUEST_VAGRANT_SSH_DIR="/vagrant/.ssh" # Make sure only root can run the script if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # Create user ceph-admin useradd -m -s /bin/bash $CEPH_ADMIN_USER # Clean-up previous provisioning $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC rm -f "$GUEST_USER_DIR/provision-ok" # Make ceph-admin passwordless sudoer echo "$CEPH_ADMIN_USER ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee "/etc/sudoers.d/$CEPH_ADMIN_USER" chmod 0440 "/etc/sudoers.d/$CEPH_ADMIN_USER" # Copy ceph-admin ssh keys and ssh config from Vagrant synced folder (muste be created by vagrant-preflight script) $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC mkdir -p "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR" $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC chmod 700 "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR" for FILE in id_rsa id_rsa.pub config; do $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC rm -f "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/$FILE" $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC cp "$GUEST_VAGRANT_SSH_DIR/$CEPH_ADMIN_USER-$FILE" "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/$FILE" $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC chmod 644 "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/$FILE" done $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC chmod 600 "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/id_rsa" # Copy ceph-admin public key in authorized_keys $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC rm -f "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/authorized_keys" $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC cp "$GUEST_VAGRANT_SSH_DIR/$CEPH_ADMIN_USER-id_rsa.pub" "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/authorized_keys" $CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC chmod 644 "$GUEST_USER_SSH_DIR/authorized_keys" # Make debconf non interactive export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Install ceph repository wget -q -O- 'https://download.ceph.com/keys/release.asc' | apt-key add - echo deb https://download.ceph.com/debian/ $(lsb_release -sc) main | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list apt-get update # Install chrony (time synchronization) and ceph-deploy apt-get -y install chrony ceph-deploy # Modify /etc/hosts to allow ceph-deploy to resolve the guest # Need to replace the loopback address by the real address GUEST_NAME=$(hostname -s) GUEST_IP=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep "inet\b" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1) sed -i "s/\t$GUEST_NAME\t$GUEST_NAME/$GUEST_IP\t$GUEST_NAME\t$GUEST_NAME/g" /etc/hosts # Full update #apt-get -y dist-upgrade #apt-get -y autoremove