#!/bin/bash # ======================================================================================== # Define parameters for creation of the cephtest vagrant cluster # # Written by : Denis Lambolez # Release : 1.0 # Creation date : 04 December 2017 # Description : Bash script # This script has been designed and written on Ubuntu 16.04 plateform. # It's expected to be sourced by other scripts # Usage : ./ceph-install.sh # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ======================================================================================== # # HISTORY : # Release | Date | Authors | Description # --------------+---------------+--------------- +------------------------------------------ # 1.0 | 12.04.17 | Denis Lambolez | Creation # | | | # | | | # | | | # ========================================================================================= # Version VERSION=cephtest-utils-1.0-120417 # Ceph user CEPH_ADMIN_USER="ceph-admin" CEPH_ADMIN_EXEC="sudo -i -u $CEPH_ADMIN_USER" # Machines ADMIN_NODE="node-admin" OSD_NODES="node-osd1 node-osd2" NODES="$ADMIN_NODE $OSD_NODES" # Networks CLUSTER_NETWORK=""