# -*- mode: ruby -*- Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| # Get the VagrantFile directory vagrant_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) # Trigger the Vagrant pre-up script before uping the first VM only config.trigger.before :up, :vm => ["node-admin"], :append_to_path => ["#{vagrant_root}/scripts"] do run "pre-up.sh" end # Trigger the Vagrant post-destroy script aftre destroying the last VM only # config.trigger.after :destroy, :vm => ["node-admin"], :append_to_path => ["#{vagrant_root}/scripts"] do run "post-destroy.sh" # end # Shell provisionner for all VMs config.vm.provision "shell", path: "scripts/provision.sh" # All VMs are based on the same box config.vm.box = "bento/ubuntu-16.04" # Use nfs for shared folder config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", nfs: true, linux__nfs_options: ['rw','no_subtree_check','all_squash','async'], nfs_version: 4, nfs_udp: false # Public host bridge # config.vm.network "public_network", # network_name: "public-network", # dev: "br0", # type: "bridge", # mode: "bridge" # Standard configuration for all VMs config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt| libvirt.memory = 1024 libvirt.volume_cache = "writeback" libvirt.graphics_type = "spice" libvirt.video_type = "qxl" end # admin VM config.vm.define "node-admin", primary: true do |admin| admin.vm.hostname = "node-admin" end # osd1 VM with private cluster network # 3 additional disks: 1 for journals and 2 for osd config.vm.define "node-osd1" do |osd1| osd1.vm.hostname = "node-osd1" osd1.vm.network :private_network, :type => "dhcp", :mac => "52:54:00:79:1e:b0", :libvirt__dhcp_start => "", :libvirt__dhcp_stop => "", :libvirt__network_address => "", :libvirt__netmask => "", :libvirt__network_name => "cluster-network" osd1.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt| libvirt.storage :file, :size => "30G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" libvirt.storage :file, :size => "20G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" libvirt.storage :file, :size => "20G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" end end # osd2 VM with private cluster network # 3 additional disks: 1 for journals and 2 for osd config.vm.define "node-osd2" do |osd2| osd2.vm.hostname = "node-osd2" osd2.vm.network :private_network, :type => "dhcp", :mac => "52:54:00:dc:51:7c", :libvirt__network_name => "cluster-network" osd2.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt| libvirt.storage :file, :size => "30G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" libvirt.storage :file, :size => "20G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" libvirt.storage :file, :size => "20G", :type => "raw", :cache => "writeback" end end end