#OVS Version 2.13.0 \ Ubuntu 18 #ovsdb_server_md5_value: "f0a820cb40824c3a9f87f57644037d64" #OVN Version 20.06.0 \ Ubuntu 18 #ovn_nbctl_md5_value: "4310864bd9676925a49909013071cbec" #OVS Version 2.14.0 \ Ubuntu 18 #ovsdb_server_md5_value: "ffd9ba2a6b3da6108d7eb97c70e51761" #OVN Version 20.09.0 \ Ubuntu 18 #ovn_nbctl_md5_value: "031e770fd969617c221b156726c2f1dc" #OVS Version 2.14.0 \ Ubuntu 20 #ovsdb_server_md5_value: "2183d20b8df5b5cb790aa238f6e1432e" #OVN Version 20.09.0 \ Ubuntu 20 #ovn_nbctl_md5_value: "6007bc53bf30b8d4b4c0fab039ee576b" - name: "Checking presense of OpenVsitch and comparing MD5 hash value" stat: path: /usr/sbin/ovsdb-server checksum_algorithm: md5 register: ovsdb_server_exists # This will ensure that all OpenvSwitch binaries are running the desired version, based on the MD5 value stored in the variables file # When releasing a new version of ovs, update this md5 an update the copy and install tasks below - name: "Set fact to False" set_fact: force_new_ovs_download: False - name: "Checking presense of OVN and comparing MD5 hash value" stat: path: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl checksum_algorithm: md5 register: ovn_nbctl_exists # This will ensure that all OVN binaries are running the desired version, based on the MD5 value stored in the variables file # When releasing a new version of OVN, update this md5 an update the copy and install tasks below - name: "Set fact to False" set_fact: force_new_ovn_download: False - name: Include tasks based on OS being Ubuntu 18 include_tasks: ubuntu18.yml when: - ansible_distribution_major_version=="18" - ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" tags: ceph - name: Include tasks based on OS being Ubuntu 20 include_tasks: ubuntu20.yml when: - ansible_distribution_major_version=="20" - ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" tags: ceph #Install the custom service to start OVS and OVN as required - name: "Copy /usr/sbin/ovsovn-service-manager.sh file" template: src: ovsovn-service-manager.sh.j2 dest: "/usr/sbin/ovsovn-service-manager.sh" mode: +x notify: - restart ovsovn.service tags: service - name: "Configure ovsovn.service" action: template src=files/ovsovn.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/ovsovn.service backup=no notify: - restart ovsovn.service tags: service - name: "Reload systemctl then enable & start ovsovn service" systemd: state: started enabled: True daemon_reload: yes name: ovsovn.service tags: service