first commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
# Define an empty list for the mappings to be assigned to
- set_fact:
mappings: []
tags: always
# Container name always equals the Dict name
- set_fact: container_Name="{{ | default(item.key)}}"
tags: always
# Container hostname is the container name by default but can be overridden by setting 'hostname'
- set_fact: container_hostname="{{item.value.hostname | default (container_Name)}}"
tags: always
- set_fact: container_configDir="{{containerConfigDir}}/container-configs/{{container_Name}}/"
tags: always
# Create the config storage directory if it doesnt already exist
- name: "Create config dir"
path: "{{container_configDir}}"
state: directory
tags: always
#----------------------------------Check NETWORK----------------------------------
#If the network varibale isnt defined then dont error out, set the network variable to an empty list
- name: Setup a blank network variable
set_fact: net_checked=[]
when: item.value.networks is not defined
tags: always
- name: Copy network variables into config
set_fact: net_checked="{{item.value.networks}}"
when: item.value.networks is defined
tags: always
#- name: Show IP
# debug: msg="{{item.value.networks[0].ipv4_address | default(item.value.hostIP)}}"
#----------------------------------/Check NETWORK----------------------------------
#Do all of the defined mappings exist?
#Create them if not
- set_fact: volumes_Defined=0
tags: always
- name: Check if volumes have been defined or not
volumes_Defined: 1
when: item.value.mappings.volumes is defined
tags: always
- name: "Volume mappings for {{container_Name}}"
include: dockerVolume.yml
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.volumes}}"
when: volumes_Defined == 1
tags: always
#Note, the volume gets added to the mapping list in the dockerVolume.yml file becuase in there it knows the actual name of the volume
#Only copy template files if there are templates defined in the incoming defintion dict
- set_fact: templates_Defined=0
tags: always
- name: Check if templates have been defined or not
templates_Defined: 1
when: item.value.mappings.templates is defined
tags: always
#- debug: msg="Templates not defined"
# when: templates_Defined is not defined
#- debug: msg="{{item.value.mappings.templates}}"
#Copy all of the defined templates to the container host into the {{container_configDir}} ready for mapping to the container later
- name: "Template mappings for {{container_Name}}"
#Files will be copied to the 'config' dir as defined by container_configDir, they will be stored using their template file name but with the '.j2' stripped
#Need to ensure you dont have duplicate files names here
template: src="{{container_Name}}/{{outer_item.value.src}}" dest="{{container_configDir}}/{{outer_item.value.src.split(".j2")[0]}}" mode=0644
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.templates}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: templates_Defined ==1 and outer_item.value.generic is not defined
tags: always
#Copy templates form a generic dir, allow ansible to search
- name: "Generic template mappings for {{container_Name}}"
#Files will be copied to the 'config' dir as defined by container_configDir, they will be stored using their template file name but with the '.j2' stripped
#Need to ensure you dont have duplicate files names here
template: src="{{outer_item.value.src}}" dest="{{container_configDir}}/{{outer_item.value.src.split(".j2")[0]}}" mode=0644
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.templates}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: templates_Defined ==1 and outer_item.value.generic is defined
tags: always
- name: Append templated files to the mapping list
#build a list to pass to docker containing the source of the file(As on disk on the host) and the destination mount within the container
#Also allows the passing of 'params' which is rw or ro, defaults to rw
#mappings: "{{ mappings + ['type=\"bind\", source=\"' + container_configDir + item.value.src.split('.j2')[0] + '\",target=\"' + item.value.dest + '\",readonly=\"' + item.value.readonly | default('false') +'\"'] }}"
mappings: "{{ mappings + [ container_configDir + outer_item.value.src.split('.j2')[0] + ':' + outer_item.value.dest + ':' + outer_item.value.params | default('rw') ] }}"
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.templates}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: templates_Defined ==1
tags: always
#type = "bind",target = "/usr/share/nginx/html",source = "/home/bfnadmin/www",readonly = false
- set_fact: files_Defined=0
tags: always
#Only copy files if there are templates defined in the incoming defintion dict
- name: Check if Files have been defined or not
files_Defined: 1
when: item.value.mappings.files is defined
tags: always
#Copy all of the defined files to the container host into the {{container_configDir}} ready for mapping to the container later
- name: "File mappings for {{container_Name}}"
#Files will be copied to the 'config' dir as defined by container_configDir, they will be stored using their file name
#Need to ensure you dont have duplicate files names here
copy: src="{{container_Name}}/{{outer_item.value.src}}" dest="{{container_configDir}}/{{outer_item.key}}" mode=0644
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.files}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: files_Defined == 1 and outer_item.value.generic is not defined and outer_item.value.src_text is not defined
tags: always
#Copy files from a generic dir, allow ansible to search
- name: "Generic File mappings for {{container_Name}}"
#Files will be copied to the 'config' dir as defined by container_configDir, they will be stored using their file name
#Need to ensure you dont have duplicate files names here
copy: src="{{outer_item.value.src}}" dest="{{container_configDir}}/{{outer_item.key}}" mode=0644
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.files}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: files_Defined == 1 and outer_item.value.generic is defined and outer_item.value.src_text is not defined
tags: always
#Create files based on the suplied src_text param
- name: "Text based file creation for {{container_Name}}"
#Files will be copied to the 'config' dir as defined by container_configDir, they will be stored using their file name
#Need to ensure you dont have duplicate files names here
copy: content="{{outer_item.value.src_text}}" dest="{{container_configDir}}/{{outer_item.key}}" mode=0644
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.files}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: files_Defined == 1 and outer_item.value.src_text is defined
tags: always
- name: Append static remote files to the mapping list
#build a list to pass to docker containing the source of the file(As on disk on the host) and the destination mount within the container
#Also allows the passing of 'params' which is rw or ro, defaults to rw
mappings: "{{ mappings + [ container_configDir + outer_item.key + ':' + outer_item.value.dest + ':' + outer_item.value.params | default('rw') ] }}"
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.files}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: files_Defined == 1
tags: always
#Local files alreeady exist on the host, commonly local time and or netns for namespace, could also be locl disk drives?
#Nothing gets copied for local mappings, just defintiions added to the mapping list
#Only copy files if there are local files defined in the incoming defintion dict
- set_fact: local_Defined=0
tags: always
- name: Check if Local files have been defined or not
local_Defined: 1
when: item.value.mappings.local is defined
tags: always
#- debug: msg="local not defined"
# when: local_Defined is not defined
- name: Append static local files to the mapping list
#build a list to pass to docker containing the source of the file(As on disk on the host) and the destination mount within the container
#Also allows the passing of 'params' which is rw or ro, defaults to rw
#mappings: "{{ mappings + ['type=\"bind\", source=\"' + item.value.src + '\",target=\"' + item.value.dest + '\",readonly=\"' + item.value.readonly | default('false') +'\"'] }}"
mappings: "{{ mappings + [ outer_item.value.src + ':' + outer_item.value.dest + ':' + outer_item.value.params | default('rw') ] }}"
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.local}}"
loop_var: outer_item
when: local_Defined == 1
tags: always
#----------------------------------Check ENV----------------------------------
#If the env varibale isnt defined then dont error out, set the network variable to an empty list
- name: Setup a blank env variable
set_fact: env_checked={}
when: item.value.env is not defined
tags: always
- name: Copy env variables into config
set_fact: env_checked="{{item.value.env}}"
when: item.value.env is defined
tags: always
#----------------------------------/Check ENV----------------------------------
- name: "Container {{container_Name}}"
become: yes
name: "{{container_Name}}"
hostname: "{{item.value.hostname | default(container_Name)}}"
command: "{{item.value.command | default('') }}"
pull: "{{item.value.pull | default('false') }}"
recreate: "{{item.value.recreate | default('false') }}"
image: "{{item.value.image}}"
state: "{{item.value.start | default ('started')}}"
restart: "{{item.value.restart | default ('no')}}"
restart_policy: "{{item.value.restart_policy | default ('always')}}"
purge_networks: "{{item.value.purge_networks | default ('yes')}}"
networks: "{{net_checked}}"
volumes: "{{mappings}}"
env: "{{env_checked}}"
privileged: "{{item.value.privileged | default ('no')}}"
network_mode: "{{item.value.network_mode | default ('default')}}"
shm_size: "{{item.value.shm_size | default ('64M')}}"
ports: "{{item.value.ports | default ([])}}"
#log_driver: fluentd
#"{{item.value.ports | default ([json-file])}}"
# fluentd-sub-second-precision: true
# tag: myservice
tags: always
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#- name: "Checking docker volume {{working_volume_name}}"
# debug: msg="Checking docker volume {{working_volume_name}}"
#----------------------------------CephFS Volume----------------------------------
- set_fact: base_volume_name="cephFS_"
tags: always
- name: Set working_volume_name(staticName not defined)
set_fact: working_volume_name="{{base_volume_name+container_Name + '_' + item.value.volumeName}}"
when: item.value.staticName is not defined
tags: always
- name: Set working_volume_name(staticName IS defined)
set_fact: working_volume_name={{item.value.staticName}}
when: item.value.staticName is defined
tags: always
- name: "Create {{ containerConfigDir }}/docker/cephFS"
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/cephFS"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
tags: always
- name: "Create {{ containerConfigDir }}/docker/configs"
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/configs"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
tags: always
- name: Add CephFS mount to fstab
line='none {{containerConfigDir}}/docker/cephFS fuse.ceph,_netdev,defaults 0 0'
register: fstab
tags: mount,always
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
- name: Mount FSTab
shell: "mount -a"
warn: false
when: fstab.changed
tags: mount,always
- name: "Checking docker volume "
debug: msg="CephFS user {{ cephFS_user }} secret {{ cephFS_secret }}"
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
tags: always
- name: "Create docker volume - {{ working_volume_name }}"
name: "{{ working_volume_name }}"
driver: n0r1skcom/docker-volume-cephfs
register: dockerVolume
tags: volume,always
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
# This is needed so that when Docker goes to mount the volume, the folder it's looking for actually exists
- name: Create {{containerConfigDir}}/docker/cephFS/container/{{working_volume_name}}
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/cephFS/container/{{working_volume_name}}"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: dockerVolume.changed
tags: volume,always
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
- name: Append the volume to the container mapping list(mappings var defined in dockerContainer.yml)
mappings: "{{ mappings + [ working_volume_name + ':' + item.value.dest + ':' + item.value.params | default('rw') ] }}"
when: item.value.type=="cephfs"
tags: always
#----------------------------------/CephFS Volume----------------------------------
#----------------------------------Local Volume----------------------------------
- set_fact: base_volume_name="local_"
- name: Set working_volume_name(staticName not defined)
set_fact: working_volume_name="{{base_volume_name+container_Name + '_' + item.value.volumeName}}"
when: item.value.staticName is not defined
tags: always
- name: Set working_volume_name(staticName IS defined)
set_fact: working_volume_name={{item.value.staticName}}
when: item.value.staticName is defined
tags: always
- name: "Create {{ containerConfigDir }}/docker/local"
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/local"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: item.value.type=="local"
tags: always
- name: "Create {{ containerConfigDir }}/docker/configs"
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/configs"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: item.value.type=="local"
tags: always
- name: "Create docker volume - {{ working_volume_name }}"
name: "{{ working_volume_name }}"
driver: "local"
o: "bind"
device: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/local/container/{{working_volume_name}}"
type: "none"
register: dockerVolume
tags: volume,always
when: item.value.type=="local"
# This is needed so that when Docker goes to mount the volume, the folder it's looking for actually exists
- name: Create {{containerConfigDir}}/docker/local/container/{{working_volume_name}}
path: "{{containerConfigDir}}/docker/local/container/{{working_volume_name}}"
state: directory
recurse: no
when: dockerVolume.changed
tags: volume,always
when: item.value.type=="local"
- name: Append the volume to the container mapping list(mappings var defined in dockerContainer.yml)
mappings: "{{ mappings + [ working_volume_name + ':' + item.value.dest + ':' + item.value.params | default('rw') ] }}"
when: item.value.type=="local"
tags: always
#----------------------------------/Local Volume----------------------------------
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- debug: msg="{{item.value.mappings.volumes}}"
tags: always
- name: "Volume mappings for {{container_Name}}"
include: dockerVolume.yml
with_dict: "{{item.value.mappings.volumes}}"
tags: always
Reference in New Issue